PEACE Pavilion by Atelier Zündel Cristea | URBANmedias |

Parisian architects Irina Cristea and Grégoire Zündel of Atelier Zündel Cristea (AZC) conceived an inflatable trampoline bridge over the Seine last fall and their latest structure the Peace Pavilion, temporarily exhibited last month in the Bethnal Green Museum Gardens, uses a similar concept and materials creating a realized sculptural work that can be entered or climbed.

The beauty of the shape of this inflatable sculpture lies in its perfect symmetry and fluidity. The geometry of the pavilion blurs the notion of inside and outside. The project is a self-supporting structure with 4m in height and 20m⊃2; in area, designed entirely with lightweight materials – 77.96m⊃2; of PVC membrane and 20m3 of air.

Via Lauren Moss