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Voici 7 preuves que la Terre est plate (selon les platistes) !

Voici 7 preuves que la Terre est plate (selon les platistes) ! | Innovating to what's next... |

Comme vous le savez, les platistes, ceux qui pensent que la Terre est plate, sont de plus en plus nombreux. Ces dernières années, ce mouvement a pris de l'ampleur. Certainement dû aux nombreux articles qui commentent leurs nombreuses théories, selon laquelle notre planète ne serait pas une sphère mais un disque... Le site IFLScience s'est penché sur les preuves que présentent ces personnes qui remettent en cause la science.

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Effets du décalage horaire : bientôt la fin ?

Effets du décalage horaire : bientôt la fin ? | Innovating to what's next... |

Gowwiz propose un programme pour prévenir les effets du décalage horaire. Dans sa version gratuite, l’application indique à l’utilisateur l’heure idéale à laquelle se coucher la veille de son vol et ce qu'il doit faire dans l’avion – s’exposer à la lumière, même artificielle, dormir à une heure prédéfinie, etc. – de manière à moins ressentir les effets du jet lag. Dans sa version payante, le programme se prolonge quelques jours après l’arrivée à destination, pour accompagner la phase de réajustement.

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Nanoelectronics 3D Printing System Completed by ATLANT 3D

Nanoelectronics 3D Printing System Completed by ATLANT 3D | Innovating to what's next... |

The Mesomorph machine comprises three primary stations: a femtosecond and 2PP unit, a selective area direct atomic layer processing (SADALP) unit, and a micro-assembly and bonding unit. The first features five degrees of freedom (DoFs), organized into three linear mechanical axes and two optical ones with a production volume of 500x500x250 mm. The unit’s laser splits a high-power beam (500 W) into multiple parallel beams and can perform 2PP for 3D printing details down to 100 nm in scale.

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Le dispositif Quartiers Métropolitains d’Innovation

Depuis 2023, la Métropole du Grand Paris déploie le dispositif Quartiers Métropolitains d’Innovation au cœur de son territoire. L’un des plus grands projets d’expérimentation urbaine européen et une première à l’échelle métropolitaine, le dispositif « Quartiers Métropolitains d’Innovation » s’inscrit dans une stratégie globale de soutien à l’innovation aux communes métropolitaines. Voté lors du Conseil Métropolitain le 21 octobre 2022, ce programme opéré par Paris&Co offre aux communes l'ayant rejoint l’opportunité d’accueillir des entrepreneurs (startups, associations, grands-groupes, coopératives, écoles, citoyens, designers…) pour 18 mois d’expérimentation de solutions innovantes au service de leurs habitants.

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UV LIGA - Technologie Electroformage

UV LIGA - Technologie Electroformage | Innovating to what's next... |

Le procédé UV-LIGA est une technologie additive originale qui combine photolithographie et croissance de matière dans un bain galvanique. Elle nécessite des outillages, des équipements industriels et des techniques différents des méthodes de micro-fabrication conventionnelles.

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La France et le CEA battent le record de durée en matière de fusion

La France et le CEA battent le record de durée en matière de fusion | Innovating to what's next... |

Une prouesse effectuée par des scientifiques du Laboratoire de physique des plasmas de Princeton, au sein du réacteur à fusion WEST du site de Cadarache. Pour situer la puissance de l'expérience, il est bon de rappeler que le noyau de notre Soleil, où les atomes fusionnent pour générer l'énergie de l'étoile, affiche une température de plus de 15 millions de degrés Celsius.

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Le vrai danger du "consommer local"

Le vrai danger du "consommer local" | Innovating to what's next... |

Il en va du « consommer local » comme de beaucoup d’autres choses en économie: il y a ce qu’on voit, et il y a aussi ce qu’on ne voit pas. Mais il y a surtout la différence entre un gain local minime, et une réaction systémique qui laisse tout le monde perdant.

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Google and Harvard Map a Tiny Piece of the Human Brain With Extreme Precision

Google and Harvard Map a Tiny Piece of the Human Brain With Extreme Precision | Innovating to what's next... |
Smaller than a grain of rice, the mapped section of brain includes over 57,000 cells, 230 millimeters of blood vessels, and 150 million synapses.
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L'échec de Kodak, victime du dilemme de l'innovateur

L'échec de Kodak, victime du dilemme de l'innovateur | Innovating to what's next... |

Le dépôt de bilan de Kodak marque la fin d’un long déclin d’une icône de l’industrie américaine. Victime du développement de la photo numérique, Kodak n’aura pas réussi à se reconvertir à partir de son métier de chimiste. Un exemple classique d’une entreprise leader dans son domaine (la photo argentique) qui meurt, incapable de tirer partie d’une nouvelle technologie? Pas du tout.

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La capacité mondiale de captage (artificiel) de CO2 vient de
quadrupler, avec la mise en service du plus grand «aspirateur de
pollution» au monde

La capacité mondiale de captage (artificiel) de CO2 vient de<br/>quadrupler, avec la mise en service du plus grand «aspirateur de<br/>pollution» au monde | Innovating to what's next... |
Un « aspirateur de pollution » géant, baptisé Mammoth, a récemment été mis en service en Islande. Il s'agit de la plus grande centrale de captage de CO2 jamais construite.
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Onyx Gel or Coil versus Hydrogel as Embolic Agents in Endovascular Applications: Review of the Literature and Case Series

Onyx Gel or Coil versus Hydrogel as Embolic Agents in Endovascular Applications: Review of the Literature and Case Series | Innovating to what's next... |

Although from a commercial point of view coil and Onyx remain the main agents used in clinical practice, it has been observed that in some circumstances they do not guarantee adequate safety and feasibility profiles to maintain human health unaltered. In fact, side effects often occur related to the ease of aggregation, off-target embolisation, collateral circulation, migration and compaction of the spirals, or the presence of solvents such as DMSO (in the case of Onyx), which cause a significant response inflammatory in patients. For this reason, in recent years, scientific research has led to the development of new biomaterials capable of satisfying the growing clinical demands of minimally invasive endovascular embolisation. A variety of embolic materials have been gradually developed, and more research interests have focused on the development of intelligent and/or multifunctional materials. An example is given by embolic agents based on hydrogels, biomaterials of natural or synthetic origin, which are easily customizable with favourable properties and wide versatility.

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Le premier film entièrement réalisé avec une IA dévoile sa bande-annonce

Le premier film entièrement réalisé avec une IA dévoile sa bande-annonce | Innovating to what's next... |

Prévu pour cet été, le film “Next Stop Paris” retracera l’histoire d’amour d’une jeune femme partant pour vivre une lune de miel seule à Paris alors que son fiancé l’a laissée devant l’autel. Dans le train, elle va faire la rencontre d’un homme avec qui elle va décider de partir à la découverte de la Ville Lumière.

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Unilever sparks controversy with reduced and extended plastic reduction target

Unilever has revised its goal to halve virgin plastic consumption by 2025, shifting the target to one-third by 2026. This is feared to result in a further 100,000 tons of fresh plastic being produced every year and has sparked backlash – yet others have defended the move as a realistic decision.

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The AI death calculator is scary. But not for the reason you think

The AI death calculator is scary. But not for the reason you think | Innovating to what's next... |

A group of Danish and American social scientists announced that with artificial intelligence and a huge data set, they were able to predict the likelihood of a person’s death within the next four years with startling accuracy. “Using Sequences of Life-Events to Predict Human Lives,” published in Nature Computational Science in December, was like a Christmas gift from Blumhouse. The internet exploded with reports of a super-creepy AI “doom calculator.” Overnight, the paper became the most famous Danish rumination on mortality since “To be or not to be.”

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A closer Glance at The Future of the Circular Economy

A closer Glance at The Future of the Circular Economy | Innovating to what's next... |

With an influx of societal focus on the environment, individuals and organizations around the world are intensifying their efforts to foster sustainability, minimize their carbon footprints and actively participate in the circular economy. In fact, 55% of global companies have made specific and measurable circularity commitments, mostly around recycled inputs and waste reduction.

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Good Intentions Pave the Way to Innovation Hell

Good Intentions Pave the Way to Innovation Hell | Innovating to what's next... |

That’s one of the insights I took away from InnoLead’s Q1 report on corporate innovation priorities. The report is an eye-opening look at the impact of AI on corporate innovation as experienced by corporate entrepreneurs themselves. But before deep diving into that topic, the report’s authors shared intriguing data about member companies’ innovation structure, leadership engagement, organizational connections, and results. Nestled amongst the charts were several that, when taken together, got my Spidey senses tingling.

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Humans Are Not as Different from AI as We Think

Humans Are Not as Different from AI as We Think | Innovating to what's next... |

By now you have heard that GenAI’s natural language conversational abilities are anchored in what one wag has termed “auto-correct on steroids.” That is, by ingesting as much text as it can possibly hoover up, and by calculating the probability that any given sequence of words will be followed by a specific next word, it mimics human speech in a truly remarkable way. But, do you know why that is so? The answer is, because that is exactly what we humans do as well.

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The Tension Between Yes and No

The Tension Between Yes and No | Innovating to what's next... |

Say yes to predictability and you say no to novelty. Say no to novelty and you say no to innovation. Say no to innovation and you say no to growth. Say no to growth and the game is over.

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Positive Power of Negative Emotions Drive Change

Positive Power of Negative Emotions Drive Change | Innovating to what's next... |

You are confident that the solution you created will make life better and that the change people need to make is quite small and painless, well worth the dramatic improvement you offer. Yet they resist. No amount of explaining, showing, convincing, or cajoling changes their mind. What else can you do? To quote Darth Vader, “Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way to save your friends.”

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Voici 7 preuves que la Terre est plate (selon les platistes) !

Voici 7 preuves que la Terre est plate (selon les platistes) ! | Innovating to what's next... |

Comme vous le savez, les platistes, ceux qui pensent que la Terre est plate, sont de plus en plus nombreux. Ces dernières années, ce mouvement a pris de l'ampleur. Certainement dû aux nombreux articles qui commentent leurs nombreuses théories, selon laquelle notre planète ne serait pas une sphère mais un disque... Le site IFLScience s'est penché sur les preuves que présentent ces personnes qui remettent en cause la science.

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Le français Christophe Fouquet prend la tête d'ASML, le champion européen des puces

Le français Christophe Fouquet prend la tête d'ASML, le champion européen des puces | Innovating to what's next... |

De TSMC à Samsung en passant par Intel ou GlobalFoundries, tous les grands fabricants de semi-conducteurs ont besoin des appareils ASML grands comme un bus. Sans cela, impossible pour eux de graver les processeurs imaginés par Nvidia, Qualcomm, Apple ou d'autres et vendus comme des petits pains pour les smartphones les plus puissants tout comme les serveurs informatiques des intelligences artificielles.

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UK's first jet to jet teaming between aircraft and drone

UK's first jet to jet teaming between aircraft and drone | Innovating to what's next... |

The Banshee was equipped with QinetiQ’s Airborne Command and Control for Swarm Interoperable Missions (ACCSIOM) technology, which allows the drone to communicate with the crewed aircraft using the same messaging format as the standard NATO Link 16 datalink. Instrumental to the deployment of autonomous air platforms, the technology provides an airborne gateway which can receive and translate both long range and short range communications between drones while in-built safety systems can override the autonomy to ensure the drone stays at all times within a safe operating area.

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SCC France crée la 1ère machine à café qui fait tapis de course

SCC France crée la 1ère machine à café qui fait tapis de course | Innovating to what's next... |

Le principe est très simple et offre une expérience complète de gamification pour tous les collaborateurs. Montez sur le tapis de course, saisissez votre email et appuyez sur “Lancer la course”. Vous serez ainsi mis au défi de courir 300 mètres à la vitesse que vous désirez et recevrez, en fin de course, votre précieux café.

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Chip lithography giant ASML claims Chinese rival DongFang could be infringing its trade secrets

Chip lithography giant ASML claims Chinese rival DongFang could be infringing its trade secrets | Innovating to what's next... |

For older chip manufacturing, which can use deep ultraviolet (DUV) lithography systems, ASML competes with Nikon and Canon. But for advanced extreme ultraviolet (EUV), there is no peer competitor. ASML is believed to have accounted for 91 percent of all lithography sales in 2020, with its machines snapped up by desperate chipmaking companies amid a global semiconductor crunch.

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EUV Lithography in Semiconductor Manufacturing

EUV Lithography in Semiconductor Manufacturing | Innovating to what's next... |

Light generation in EUV lithography is an incredibly complex process. A generator ejects 25-micrometer tin droplets at a speed of 70 meters per second inside a vacuum vessel. Trumpf manufactures a very powerful industrial CO2 laser for the system, which is fired at these tin droplets. Each individual droplet must be hit twice. The first hit occurs with a low intensity laser pulse that flattens the tin droplet, similar to the shape of a pancake. The second hit with a stronger laser pulse vaporizes the droplet and generates EUV light. A vacuum is required in the EUV machine because extreme ultra violet light is absorbed by all materials. For this reason, mirrors are used instead of lenses, as mirrors can reflect and transmit the light. This is the only way to direct the light through the machine and onto the wafer, as lenses would simply absorb it.

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ASML for beginners

ASML for beginners | Innovating to what's next... |

ASML’s exposure devices are the most expensive and complex link in the chip fabrication process. Here, we take a simplified look at both the entire process and the Veldhoven company’s specific expertise. Plus: a list of must-know terms to understand ASML’s work.

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